Motivational Speakers

Motivational Speakers

To stay focused on the project I researched some videos and found this great link. These are 22 great videos by outstanding speakers. Many of them you might recognize from ‘The Secret’.
The link is from 2007 and if you don’t find that the videos work anymore, try searching them using Google Video. Many of these are also available by Google Video as Download (mp4 file). Then you can copy them straight to your iPod, iPhone or BlackBerry and view them during your next flight, train ride or traffic jam.

I very much enjoyed these videos – they gave me a good push to get things done.

American Idol Season 8

Here is another national event that will end around April 30th 2009: American Idol Season 8. In about 3 1/2 months a new star will be born AND a president will have his 100 day review. And my 100 day project will have come to an end – or a start. So now I am competing against bencmarking with American Idol 8 and President Obama. That gives me energy because I know that each of us can do great things. How about you? Join my challenge…

Obama calendar

Obama calendar

Well this might as well be part of the game. Since I decided to match my accomplishments against Barack Obamas it is just as good to see what he did in his first 100 days to what I did. Since Obama is already 9 days ahead, I have to catch up 9 days. However I feel still motivated. Today I setup the wordpress blog and I found some interesting sources using Technorati. I have 91 days left. By tomorrow I want to have laid out my schedule what items and tasks need to completed by what date.

3-2-1 Lift Off; the 100 Day challenge starts

It has began. The race is on. Last week, president Obama started his run and, as all presidents are, he will be measured against his accomplishments within the first 100 days in office. On day 1 alone he did great. he will do amazing things in the first 100 days.
So what can I do in 100 days? What can you do? Do you still talk about a book you want to write? A business idea that is sooo good but you never started it? A certification you wanted to get? A class you wanted to attend? Well, I do. Do I will stop talking and start doing. This is my blog to keep track on my progress. I will post tips, tricks, content and advise that I found helpful for me to get my 100 day goals done. Feel free to read and participate.